In a ceremony held at the Royal Castle in Stockholm, CALPROTECTs founder Dr. Alexandru Schiopu has personally received the “Prince Daniel research grant for young promising researchers” from His Royal Highness Prince Daniel. The grant of 6 000 000 Swedish kronor (approximately 600 000 EUR) is financed by the Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation and will support further development of the groundbreaking scientific findings that have laid the foundation of CALPROTECT AB.
Read the full press release here:
Prins Daniels anslag för yngre lovande forskare (Swedish)
Read more about the prize here (Swedish):
Hjärt-Lungfonden – Prins Daniels forskningsanslag för yngre lovande forskare (Swedish)
Watch Dr. Alexandru Schiopu discuss the importance of inflammation and repair in myocardial infarction with Kristina Sparreljung, general secretary of the Heart and Lung Foundation here:
Dr. Alexandru Schiopu on the role of inflammation in myocardial infarction (Swedish)