Technology | CAL-001
Myocardial infarction (MI) causes strong inflammation in the heart, which amplifies the death of cardiac muscle and the degree of heart failure. Currently, there are no effective treatments able to prevent the negative effects of excessive inflammation in the heart after an MI. The current treatments reduce blood clotting, plasma cholesterol, and blood pressure, but fail to address the central pathogenic events that occur in the heart after MI.
CALPROTECT is developing a treatment (CAL-001) against acute inflammation in MI. During the acute phase, the immune system releases high amounts of calprotectin, a potent stimulator of the immune response. The rapid increase of the protein in the heart and blood promotes excessive inflammation, amplifying heart damage and the degree of heart failure. CAL-001 blocks calprotectin activity and inhibits inflammation. The treatment has successfully passed pre-clinical studies in rodents, and testing on large animals will be initiated soon.
Inflammation and repair in MI
Excessive myocardial inflammation amplifies the injury of the heart muscle and affects repair. Controlling acute inflammation in MI could reduce the risk of heart failure, reinfarction and death.